Support Us

Join our campaign to build on the success of the new railway!

We helped bring trains back to the Borders – now we need your support to finish the job by extending the line from Tweedbank southwards through Hawick to Carlisle.

By joining us today you will be adding your voice to our growing 1000+ membership calling for the expansion of Borders rail services, boosting regional prosperity and social inclusion, and building a brighter future for your community.


Why not become a member today? You can join online or by post. Benefits include:
Regular newsletters with the latest information
Opportunities to participate in CBR events and activities
Invitation to our AGMs with guest speakers
Membership types:
Annual Membership (newsletter by email UK & Overseas): £10.00
Annual Membership (newsletter by post*): £15.00

Life Membership (newsletter by email UK & Overseas): £150.00

*UK only. Overseas postal rates are £20 annual


Terms and conditions: By applying to become a member of the Campaign you agree to support its aims, abide by the Campaign’s Constitution and to uphold its good name. Membership rates are subject to annual review.
Personal data: You also agree that the Campaign can store and use your personal data for the purposes of administering your membership and newsletter distribution. This includes allowing approved sub-data processors to have access to that personal data for essential reasons in accordance with our Privacy Policy. See our Privacy Policy for more details.

Alternatively you can post or email your completed membership form (Download Form Here) to our Membership Secretary – see address details on the ‘Contact Us’ page. Payment can be sent EITHER by cheque payable to ‘Campaign for Borders Rail’, OR make a bank transfer to : sort code 80-17-91, account no. 00119607 (giving your initials and surname as the reference).

Make a Donation

Donations are always welcome to help expand the range of our campaigning activities.


By Post: Please send a cheque made payable to ‘Campaign For Borders Rail’ together with your contact details to Campaign for Borders Rail at Future Hawick, 2 Kirkwynd, Hawick TD9 0AL

Other Ways to Get Involved

You can play a bigger role in shaping the future of the Campaign by joining the committee. We need more members to come forward. You can either stand for election, stand for any vacant office, or seek to join the committee without a specific office. The demands are as much or as little as you want. The Campaign is entirely voluntary, but all our work is taken seriously, both by CBR, and by all the organisations we deal with, from Network Rail and Transport Scotland to local and national government. We also need volunteers to staff our stall at various promotional events throughout the year. If you think you might be able to help in any capacity please get in touch to find out more.

Contact Us

Credits and Thanks

Photographs used to illustrate this website have been obtained from numerous sources and we are grateful to all those who have given permission for their material to be used.
Sources include: Bruce McCartney, Robert Drysdale, Alwyn Johnston, Allan McLean, Nick Bethune, Norman Turnbull, John Furneval, Network Rail, Visit Scotland/Airborne Lens, Andrew Cawley/DC Thomson Ltd, Walter Baxter/Geograph.
Special thanks to Mark and Kellyanne Field of Borders Aerial Photography who went out of their way to furnish us with stunning images of Shankend and Hassendean.
We are very grateful to the many members who provided financial support – we couldn’t have done it without you.
Website production by Nick Bethune. Website design by Simon Shaw of The Drawing Room, supported by David Oxley.