5 thoughts on “Extending the Borders Railway to Hawick and Carlisle

  1. Reblogged this on Max Stafford's Kennel and commented:
    The CBR are now starting to actively lobby for the restoration of the remainder of the Waverley Route.
    There is much work to be done to build a full, convincing case for re-opening though the disruption caused by the Lamington incident and the prospect of increased weather-related disruption in the future surely boost the argument for an additional strategic route between Scotland and England.
    Please consider joining the CBR to add your weight to the push if you believe this to be a worthwhile goal.

  2. Richard Bingham says:

    Why only the TD9 postcode? This should be sent to everyone in the EH postcodes as well, as we would all benefit from this. And it needs to be made twin-track all the way…

    • Hawick is the biggest town in the Borders without the railway. CBR has only a modest budget for this type of mailshot, so we decided for the moment to concentrate on the Hawick area. We are very aware of the timekeeping problems that have arisen on the northern end of the line due to the limited length of double track. We tried to raise the need for more double track during the planning and construction stages, suggesting, at the very least, that new bridges should be built wide enough for future double-tracking. But our representations were unsuccessful. Passive provision for double-tracking between Portobello and Shawfair has already been allowed for, as has an extra loop near Newtongrange.

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